
  1. Individual Haberdashery at Calico Laine

    Here at Calico Laine, it isn't just an endless supplyof Dressmaking Fabrics!! We also have an extemsive range of Haberdashery available to ensure that all of your projects can be catered for. Many of the Haberdashery items we stock are Sewing Kit essentials, however we do also stock a fantastic range of other Haberdashery products to suit any needs!! Today i'm going...
  2. Haberdashery

    Haberdashery is one of the most popular sections on our website and with good reason too. We have complied one of the most extensive ranges available online. As a company we have over 35 years experience in the Dressmaking and Haberdashery trade. In today's blog entry I am going to talk about the ranges of Haberdashery items we have available here at Calico Laine. Bag Handles: A...

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