If your a keen sewer or dressmaker like me then there is a good chance that you will have a wide and varied choice of different Haberdashery items. I tend to keep all my sewing bits and bobs in one box (albeit a rather large box) as it helps me to stay organised and neat.
In my blog entry today i'm going to talk about the different items I use and why they are an essential item for my sewing box:
Scissors: Very self explanatory really, scissors are a must have for me as Im always cutting and snipping things, even when I'm not sewing! I tend to use a mixture of different scissors but my personal favourite are the Fiskars ones. They seem to last forever and can also be resharpened.
Elastics: When making clothes I always seem to be looking for elastics, but I try (not very well) to keep a small amount in my sewing box.
Self Cover Buttons: I love these handy little buttons, they are perfect for creatng unique one off buttons and I really like the way they finish off my garments.
Zips: I always try and keep a number of different zips in my box. They always get used and cost next to nothing to have in.
Threads: Anoither must have item, I on ly use the Gutermann threads as I find their quality and consistency to be the best.
Needles - I tend to keep a spare packet of assorted needles in my box for both hand sewing and also machine sewing. You can never have to many sewing needles!
I hope you have enjoyed my blog entry today. If you think I have missed anything then please do share your thoughs and comments with us on our Facebook and Twitter pages,
Until next time,
Calico Laine