In everyday life, we use Zips for a wide variety of different uses ranging from items of clothing, to items such as sleeping bags and tents. Choosing the right Zip for the job is essential for ensuring the longevity of whatever item it is being used for. Here at Calico Laine, we stock an extensive range of different types of Zips, so you can be sure to find the correct Zip for you here!
Firstly, it is important to establish the type of Zip you require - the main choices are Closed End Zips, Open End Zips and Continuous Zipping.
Closed End Zips are designed so that both ends of the Zip are 'closed'. These types of Zips are often used in items like luggage, handbags and some items of clothing where the Zip is not required to come of the track. Some of the Closed End Zips that we have here at Fabric-World are: Nylon Cushion Zips, Concealed Zips, Dress Zips, and Jeans Zips.
Open End Zips are used on items that require the two pieces of material that arebeing held together by the Zip, to come apart. Open End Zips ae commonly used on garments such as jackets and cardigans. Here at Calico Laine, some of the Open End Zips that we stock include Plastic Open End Zips, Heavy Duty Metal Zips, Two Way Open End Zips and Tent Zips.
We also have Continuous Zipping available here at Fabric-World, and this is ideal if you require larger lengths of Zipping, and it can be cut to size.
We also stock a range of Zip Pulls to really put an individual touch on any of your garments, as well as bulk buys of Trebla Zips that have many differnt everyday uses.
As you can see there are many different options for you when it comes to choosing the right Zip. I hope that you have enjoyed todays blog and that it has been informative about the range of Zips that are available to you here at Calico Laine. If you have any thoughts or comments, please feel free to leave them in the box below, and don't forget to follow us on our Facebook and Twitter pages to keep up to date with all the latest news and special offers!
Until next time,
Calico Laine