It is possible to Buy Haberdashery Online for almost any project you can think of however most customers will keep their sewing kit stocked with a range of Haberdashery supplies for carrying out repairs. Here are details of some of our most essential Haberdashery items for repairing your existing clothing items and soft furnishings:
Scissors - perhaps the most important item of Haberdashery in your sewing kit will be a good pair of dressmaking scissors. We carry a wide range of scissors suitable for any tasks from dressmaking and tailoring to embroidery and crafts however the most popular choice of scissors for carrying out repair tasks are the fiskars quick clip scissors. Featuring a spring loaded clip these scissors are ideal for unpicking stitches and for trimming loose threads.
[caption id="attachment_3759" align="alignleft" width="300"]
Quick Clip is ideal for carrying out quick repair tasks.[/caption]
Quick Un-Pick - rectifying your sewing mistakes is easier than ever when you have the handy quick un-pick in your sewing kit. Also known as a stitch ripper, this handy little tool allows you to take apart stitches and seams quickly and easily without the use of scissors.
Pin Cushion - one of the most popular items in our Haberdashery Online selection we carry a wide range of pin cushions including the best selling prym magnetic pin cushion. This handy tool is perfect for keeping track of your pins whilst you work and enables you to keep your work station tidy and clutter free. We also carry pin cushions that strap to your arm or your hand so you can choose which version of the pin cushion will suit you best.
Mending Tape - when you Buy Haberdashery Online for routine repair tasks our mending tape is perfect for making quick and simple repairs to items constructed from both medium and heavy weight fabrics. At a fantastic low price, this is a cost effective way of carrying out some of the most common repair tasks.