Composed entirely of cotton, the 1/8 inch cotton gingham fabric has emerged as a popular choice for various dressmaking tasks, including blouses, dresses, and shirts. Beyond its apparel uses, gingham fabric has found a versatile place in the world of interior design, with its rustic charm and suitability for country-themed decor items such as curtains and tablecloths. Additiona... more
Composed entirely of cotton, the 1/8 inch cotton gingham fabric has emerged as a popular choice for various dressmaking tasks, including blouses, dresses, and shirts. Beyond its apparel uses, gingham fabric has found a versatile place in the world of interior design, with its rustic charm and suitability for country-themed decor items such as curtains and tablecloths. Additionally, gingham is well-known for its use in school uniforms, thanks to its lightweight and breathable nature.
© Calico Laine Limited 13th August 2024